Limittest Peakheight pass / fail



I am setting up a new method on the GC 7890B, to determin if a peak ( height )

from the sample solution, is bigger then the internal standard.


We are using 2 different standard solutions. One with 0,05 ppm and one with 0,025 ppm

After each run the "User" check every sample if the height is smaller then the reference solutions.

The Spectrograms look like this


The goal would be that I get an output on the report.


peakheight of the sample is smaller then in Ref C, but bigger then Ref D .

Or Pass Test  ( smaller then Ref C/ Ref D )

  • Hello,


    If you want to approach this from an intelligent report angle, then you can set up a Pass/Fail flag on a Sequence Summary Report using the IIf() function. The tricky part would be to make sure that the logic in the Pass/Fail expression is referencing the correct peak in the correct data file to compare to every other peak. The best way to do this would be to set up a custom variable in the report template.


    For the sake of this example, let's say that you want to set up a flag to tell you whether your compounds of interest have a greater concentration than they did in a standard run. The first step would be to create a table containing the compound concentration results for all of your compounds of interest in the standard data file. You can use a Compound Results table for this and remove all of the columns except for Compound Concentration. Then set up a filter on the table so that it only shows results for your standard data file. In this example, my standard data file's name is ISTD-level1:


    Then you can save the Compound Concentration expression as a variable (in this case the variable name is ISTD1):


    In the advanced table properties you can uncheck the 'Visible' checkbox so that the table is hidden and won't show up on the report. You can resize it and hide it out of the way, but it does need to be higher up on your report template than any field/table that calls your new variable.


    You can then use an expression like the one below to set up a new custom column in your results/sample statistics table for the Pass/Fail flag:



    This example probably does not align 100% with what you want to do, but hopefully it gives you a clear idea of how to approach setting up such a report.

  • Ok I got some problems..

    I tell you what I did step by step.


    I get the Compound Result Table

    then I deleted every table exept the concentration.

    Then Filtering. My ISTD Solution is Faktor / Std



    I am stuck here.  saving the expression

  • How are stuck? It looks like you are still in the Filtering Table Properties. If the Sample Name for the data file you wish to filter for is Faktor / Std then you should just be able to hit OK and then Apply and the table will only show results from data files run with that sample name.


    Is your question how to create a variable? If so, then you need to go to the Column Properties for the column in the new table you created. Then edit the Value by clicking the 'fx' button to the right of the Value field. In the resulting Expression Editor window, there will be a Save Expression Result As button:



    When clicked, this button will bring up the below window:


  • How are stuck? It looks like you are still in the Filtering Table Properties. If the Sample Name for the data file you wish to filter for is Faktor / Std then you should just be able to hit OK and then Apply and the table will only show results from data files run with that sample name.


    Is your question how to create a variable? If so, then you need to go to the Column Properties for the column in the new table you created. Then edit the Value by clicking the 'fx' button to the right of the Value field. In the resulting Expression Editor window, there will be a Save Expression Result As button:



    When clicked, this button will bring up the below window:


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