Old and new Repstyles



After trying out to runs the old Chemstation we buy the OpenLab Software, newest release.

Now we are fine with this new software. We want to migrate the old and new data.


In the manual is written:

Currently there is no migration for old FRP report templates to the new RDL report template format. Old FRP templates will continue to work in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition rev. C.xx.xx, but new RDL templates have to be created from scratch.

I transfered the old .frp repstyle data to the specific folder. But if i want to open or load such a .frp file, i can't see them. The software shows just the new format, *.ilp (i think)


How can we use the old repstyle files?



  • Hello,


    I added some additional tags to this post to increase visibility.


    In order unlock the ability to add your old *.frp reports to the available report styles you can select from in your method reporting parameters, you will need to edit the instrument configuration and disable intelligent reporting. 


    To edit the instrument configuration, all online and offline sessions of ChemStation need to first be closed. Then in the OpenLAB Control Panel, you can either select the instrument you wish to edit in the navigation panel and the 'Configure Instrument' option in the top ribbon panel or you can right-click on the instrument and select the 'Configure Instrument' option in the right-click action menu.



    In the instrument configuration window, you will need to un-check the 'Enable Intelligent Reporting' check box at the top under Options:


    Once you make this change to the instrument configuration, the report layout view will appear as it did in pre-OpenLAB releases of ChemStation and you will have the ability to add *.frp reports to your available Report Styles:



    Hopefully this helps. Please let us know if you need any further help.

  • Hello,


    I added some additional tags to this post to increase visibility.


    In order unlock the ability to add your old *.frp reports to the available report styles you can select from in your method reporting parameters, you will need to edit the instrument configuration and disable intelligent reporting. 


    To edit the instrument configuration, all online and offline sessions of ChemStation need to first be closed. Then in the OpenLAB Control Panel, you can either select the instrument you wish to edit in the navigation panel and the 'Configure Instrument' option in the top ribbon panel or you can right-click on the instrument and select the 'Configure Instrument' option in the right-click action menu.



    In the instrument configuration window, you will need to un-check the 'Enable Intelligent Reporting' check box at the top under Options:


    Once you make this change to the instrument configuration, the report layout view will appear as it did in pre-OpenLAB releases of ChemStation and you will have the ability to add *.frp reports to your available Report Styles:



    Hopefully this helps. Please let us know if you need any further help.

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