Normalizing GC results in Intelligent Reporting from different detectors



I am trying to normalizing results from three different detectors (2 TCDs and an FID) in a final report using OpenLab version C.01.07 SR2 [255].  This is for a refinery gas analyzer where the sample is measured for three different trains (Agilent's RGA option 531).  I would like to use an external calibration to calculate the response factors for each component on each detector.  When the sample is run I would like the report to use the RFs, multiplied by the area counts, to determine the calibrated result for each component on each detector.  Then sum all of the results of all the detectors together to give a total sample result (in practice it should be close to but not exactly 100%).  Next, divide 100/(total sample result) to get a normalization factor and finally multiply each original component result by this factor to get the normalized result across all three detectors.  Can I do something like this in Intelligent Reporting?




  • You can definitely set up an intelligent report to do what you want, but there is a much easier way to do this in OpenLAB ChemStation.


    When you create a calibration table, ChemStation gives you an option to 'Calculate Signals Separately':


    When selected 'Calculate Signals Separately' ensures that, in the calculation of Normalized Percent reports, the amount percent of separately reported signals adds up to 100% for each signal. When 'Calculate Signals Separately' is deselected, the amount percent of all signals adds up to 100%.


    All you need to do to perform the calculation that you are describing is to build a calibration table for your TCD and FID signals where you leave the 'Calculate Signals Separately' option deselected and then have ChemStation output a Normalized Percent (Norm%) report. To set up the Norm% calculation in ChemStation Data Analysis, go to 'Report'>'Specify Report' and then select Norm% for ChemStation's calculation mode:


  • You can definitely set up an intelligent report to do what you want, but there is a much easier way to do this in OpenLAB ChemStation.


    When you create a calibration table, ChemStation gives you an option to 'Calculate Signals Separately':


    When selected 'Calculate Signals Separately' ensures that, in the calculation of Normalized Percent reports, the amount percent of separately reported signals adds up to 100% for each signal. When 'Calculate Signals Separately' is deselected, the amount percent of all signals adds up to 100%.


    All you need to do to perform the calculation that you are describing is to build a calibration table for your TCD and FID signals where you leave the 'Calculate Signals Separately' option deselected and then have ChemStation output a Normalized Percent (Norm%) report. To set up the Norm% calculation in ChemStation Data Analysis, go to 'Report'>'Specify Report' and then select Norm% for ChemStation's calculation mode:


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