Open Labs EZChrom Edition compared to Open Labs 2.x


we currently using OpenLabs EZChrom Edition. We planning to get Open Labs 2.5.

What are the main benefits of the newer Open Labs.

Also the comparison between Open Labs 2.1 and 2.5 would be usefull.


Thank you very much in advance.


  • Hi mr.white! Glad to see you back on the Community!


    The best resource I can think of for seeing what has changed between OpenLab CDS 2.1 and 2.5 is in the attached 2.5 Release Notes. This document lists each major change for each full release of OpenLab CDS.


    As for benefits of using OpenLab CDS, I think this brochure does a good job of summarizing the big points: 

  • Hello ryoboyle,


    thank you, and nice to see that you still here !


    i found the release notes


    Is the "Content Manager" Always included.

    I assume that we get the "Server/Client" Version this time.


    Maybe later i Need more documents regarding the Migration of EZChrom to Open Labs. But this is far in the future.


    But i am very happy to work with Open Labs again.

  • For a client/server installation of OpenLab CDS you can choose to use either OpenLab Server/ECM XT or ECM 3.6 for your backend storage. OpenLab Server is what the Workstation Plus installation of OpenLab CDS use, so I believe that is what you are referring to as Content Manager. 

  • I looked into the release notes.

    What are the differences in calculation and Basic Features between Open Labs EZ Chrom Edition

    ( i never worked with it, but want to prepare for it )  and Open Labs 2.5 ?

    I found out that the "Peak Explorer" is not included. ( Which is a great tool )

    I assume the sample sheduler is also not included.

  • Hello,


    You are correct that peak explorer is not available in OpenLab EZChrom. OpenLab Sample Scheduler however is compatible with both OpenLab CDS and OpenLab EZChrom, but it is a product that would need to be purchased separately and is not included by default with either application. 


    The question of differences in basic calculations is a very broad one and cannot really answered fully on this forum. I will however point out that it is possible select the EZChrom integrator in OpenLab CDS so your peaks can be integrated the same, though the peak responses (area and height) will most likely be different between the two applications. The explanation for this can be found in the replies of the below post:


    Ezchrom vs CDS 2.4 areas 

  • Hi mr.white,

    I already did several upgrades from OpenLAB EZChrom to OpenLAB 2.x. let me write some pros/cons:



    - fully virtualized, support server 2019 and Windows 10

    - easy upgrade (same integrator, raw data can be copied and opened, method imported, intelligent reports copy-and-use)

    - similar structure - projects, some functionality come from EZChrom (calibration table)

    - increase speed of processing data multiple times!

    - using intelligent report much more easier (select and refresh even for part of sequence without change in sequence Summary column)  

    - Peak Explorer Tool, Isoabsorbance Plot with extracting custom spectra from DAD

    - could extend for GCMS/LCMS and use same software for more instrumentation (also big variety of 3rd instrumentation)

    - in client-server OpenLAB CDS 2.x is much more bug-free than my experience with OL EZChrom (stability, network etc.)



    - mail notification feature (leak notification, SST failure) not working in OpenLAB 2.x

    - System Suitability Testing feature as in OL EZChrom is not a part of OpenLAC 2.x (need workaround in Intelligent Reporting for Pass/Fail testing)


    As result, we completely replaced all client-servers in my field to OpenLAB 2.x. I didn't heard about any "unresolved" problem during upgrade from any customer. We always find a way how to do the same or better workflow in OpenLAB CDS 2.x



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