ChemStation C.01.07 on Win-7: "Config System Failed to Initialize"...

Dear Agilent,


We are at the moment experience trouble regarding initialization of Chemstations rev. C.01.07 [27] to 7890B GC`s on a couple of Windows 7 computers. Please see attached message box.



We are able to ping both 7890B GC instruments.

In config editor, license files are valid.

We have tried to remove config.reg files, it did not work.


Any suggestions regarding further troubleshooting of Chemstation?



Best regards -


  • Hello,


    Just for confirmation please check if process followed is same.


    Rename or delete the file “user.config”. It will be recreated automatically during the next ChemStation launch process


    Below are the path for the same:


    Win7/Win10 Computer


    c:\users\<logged on user>\appdata\local\agilent_technologies\chemmain.exe_url_xyz\\user.config


    XP computer


    C:\Documents and Settings\<logged_on_user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Agilent_Technologies\CHEMMAIN.EXE_Url_xlvsr1c1b5wijktns4g1gcbrae3dl030\2.0




    It’s necessary to set folder options to “show hidden files, folders…”


    Please let me know if this is help full.


    Thank you,

    Shahebaz Panhalkar

  • Hello Shahebaz,


    Thank you for quick reply !


    I renamed "user.config" file and restarted Win-7 PC / Chemstaion. Next, when Chemstation was initialized, the message box "Autostart failed #999" showed up. I found another solution in Agilent Community regarding this failure message, renaming other config files in C:\Chem32\1.


    Now It seems to work… Chemstation initialized as normal. Only on-line signal windows in Chemstation has to be set again.


    Have you any idea why user- and config files from time to time are corrupted?

    Could corruption of the Chemstation config files be related to changes/updates in Windows?


    Thank you for help!


    Best regards -


  • Lars,


    Typically these configuration files will become corrupted when there when the ChemStation application closes unexpectedly. This is usually due to the application crashing or an unscheduled shutdown/restart due to power outages, installation of Windows update, etc...

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