Pass Fail reporting for an acceptable range

I am trying to add Pass/Fail functions to my reports for my results.  I successfully set one up for the %RSD of my system suitability.  I stored the %RSD as a variable and then used an If statement to say that if it was less than 2 it says "Pass" otherwise it says "Fail".  However, I could not get an equation to work for when the value must be in a specific range.  For instance my check standard recovery must be between 98.0 and 102.0%.  In Excel I would nest an AND statement in the If statement but I could not get that to work here.

  • Hello,


    Just to add on to 's reply, the expression that he provided will work in OpenLab Custom Calculator and should perform what you are looking to do. However, if you want the pass/fail logic to be set on the report template then you will want to use the IIf() function as opposed the if() function. You will also need to substitute the 'x' used in the expression for the value that want to compare to the pass/fail limits. 

  • Hello,


    Just to add on to 's reply, the expression that he provided will work in OpenLab Custom Calculator and should perform what you are looking to do. However, if you want the pass/fail logic to be set on the report template then you will want to use the IIf() function as opposed the if() function. You will also need to substitute the 'x' used in the expression for the value that want to compare to the pass/fail limits. 

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