Hi All
Just curious, if anyone has comments/issues moving from SPME Fiber to Arrow?
Mui Lim Sharon
Hi All
Just curious, if anyone has comments/issues moving from SPME Fiber to Arrow?
Mui Lim Sharon
Hello Mui ,
I've moved this to the Sample Preparation forum for better visibility.
Hi Mui ,
This app note https://www.agilent.com/cs/library/applications/an-smoke-taint-wine-SPME-8890-gc-5994-3160en-agilent.pdf has a review comparing convencional SPME Fiber to SPME Arrow. In summary, it shows the benefit in extraction efficiency due to larger sorption phase volume of SPME Arrow.
It's important to emphasize that to use SPME Arrow, two things need to be checked at the GC: a correct liner (2.0 mm ID to fit the larger fiber), and a modification on inlet (modified weldment) to also be compatible with the larger needle of SPME Arrow.
Thank you!