I would like to run a report on equipment usage and download the data in a csv or excel file. How do I do that?

How do I run a report on equipment usage and download the data in a csv or excel file?

  • Hello,

    To download a report on equipment usage in a CSV or Excel file format, please follow these steps:

    1. Log into your iLab account.
    2. Navigate to the Core facility page.
    3. Click on the "Reporting" tab at the top of the page.
    4. On the right side of your screen, locate the types of report and click the "Events" link.
    5. You will be presented with three options: "Load Default," "Load Saved," or "Build New." Select the one that best fits your needs.
    6. Set the parameters for your report, such as date range, and customize charts and tables as required.
    7. Click on the "Run Report" button to generate the report.
    8. Once the report is generated, and the dashboard displays the predetermined tables and charts, follow these steps to download the data:
      • Look for the ‘Export...’ button, usually located above the tables or charts.
      • Click on it and select "Source Data as CSV/XLS" from the dropdown menu.

    This process will initiate the download of your equipment usage data in the chosen file format, allowing you to analyze the data further or keep it for records.

    Best regards,


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