Gc Ms liner cleaning

Hello friends,

I use a lot of gc ms liner in the laboratory. I want to fill these liners and use them again to reduce the cost, but it is not always possible to fill the glass wool cotton in the same way. Is there any procedure to clean them or is there a company where I can fill these liners?

  • And moved again to the forum where it belongs :-)

    Hi ByCoder,

    if you want reproducible results NEVER clean liners and reuse them. Any cleaning process will remove the deactivation layer for GC/MS (UI) liners, glass wool has a different deactivation, packing will be different, etc.

    Maybe better ask your sales representative for bulk packaging or something like that.

    Please never clean and reuse the liner (this is for making my point).



  • And moved again to the forum where it belongs :-)

    Hi ByCoder,

    if you want reproducible results NEVER clean liners and reuse them. Any cleaning process will remove the deactivation layer for GC/MS (UI) liners, glass wool has a different deactivation, packing will be different, etc.

    Maybe better ask your sales representative for bulk packaging or something like that.

    Please never clean and reuse the liner (this is for making my point).



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