shift of retention time with new column

I did the annual maintenance of my HPLC 1200.

All tests are passed (pressure, leak, intensity).

I installed a new column to do the calibration of the HPLC and analyzed a standard to check the retention time.

The standard Tr is shifted from 0.7 min respect to normal Tr. I tested a second new column (from the same batch) and Tr is shifted from 0.7 min here again.

I tested an old column (with 1800 injections) changed in June 2019 and Tr is good.

In July, I had the same problem with 2 columns from the same batch: one had a shift of 0.4 min and the the other of 0.7 min) and I had to use the one with a 0.4 min shift since that time.


What protocole do you recommend to condition the new column ?  I do 100% methanol for one hour.

Is there a drift due  to zorbax columns fabrication ?

Before I change tubing and filters, what would you recommend to test ?


Many thanks for your help

  • Hi cdh06,


    could you please provide the part number of the columns and the serial numbers of both the good and the bad columns?

    As you are in France, please call the Agilent France office in Paris, there is a CSD Technical Support person available there or call your Agilent representative and he or she will take care of the support question.


    Many thanks in advance



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