Please remove obsolescence from former SGT OEM filters and substitute it with Gas Clean part numbers

Hi guys,

please add the substitution suggestion comment after obsolete mark on a web site:

5182-0817 with CP17971;

5182-0818 with CP17970;

5182-0820 with CP17972;

5183-4771 is actually obsolete, we have to sell Restek 22022 or any other SGT analog, no one wants to switch to CP17971+CP17972. Please design a combination trap, I believe it is not very hard to do.

5182-9705 with CP17973;

5188-6474 is actually obsolete, we have to sell Restek 21982 or any other SGT analog, but sometimes I can convince people to make a good flushing to purge nitrogen away from CP17973 and don't mind 28 ion as a leak. You have nothing to do with it, as Gas Clean body is polycarbonate, not glass and you can't fill it with helium.


[part of message removed by moderator]

  • Hello,


    Thank you for the feedback.  I have entered the request into our support system for review.  We need the Product Manager to approve.  The website updates are simple however new product requests are more complicated.  I will keep you posted of the decision.



  • After discussion with the Product Manager we are making the following changes to our webpage:


    Obsolete PN                       Current Replacement PN

    5182-0817                            CP17971

    5182-0818                            CP17970

    5182-0820                            CP17972

    5182-9705                            CP17973

    5183-4771                            CP17989

    5188-6474                            CP17973


    He also provided his sales cross reference chart with some additional detail.




  • After discussion with the Product Manager we are making the following changes to our webpage:


    Obsolete PN                       Current Replacement PN

    5182-0817                            CP17971

    5182-0818                            CP17970

    5182-0820                            CP17972

    5182-9705                            CP17973

    5183-4771                            CP17989

    5188-6474                            CP17973


    He also provided his sales cross reference chart with some additional detail.




  • Please don't do 5183-4771 an SCD filter CP17989. It doesn't seem to be a correct replacement for charcoal+moisture. The reference chart just say so.

  • Than you should probably stop advertise it as a sulfur-specific filter on specs table (add "and hydrocarbons" words)…  . Otherwise it is hard to convince the customer to use Sulfur Filter instead of Fuel Gas Filter with FID.

    Description is quiet misleading: "Removes water and sulfur specific compounds like H2S, COS and SO2 from gas streams. 5.3 g water. 2-7 g Sulfur compounds, depending on impurities."

    Do you have a better picture of CP17989? I've barely found this one. Is it black round carbon molecular sieves particles or irregular active carbon? I ask this to understand probable selectivity issues. If it is active carbon, it is full analog to Fuel Gas Filter, if it is carbon molesieve with pore size suitable for COS, H2S, than it depends. The beige layer is obviously molecular sieves for water (moisture, H2O).

  • I checked with the Product Manager and he said CP17989 is a combination filter for CP17971+CP17972.  It is a fuel gas filter that was called a sulfur filter because it was designed for the SCD product.

  • Unfortunately we do not have a better picture.  Unfortunately we are not able to disclose details on the materials in the filter.

  • Ok, thank you, I hope I am not too much annoying.


    I have to wait for website changes to take effect.

    Unfortunately now I can't consider forum messages solid enough on Sulfur Filter, as specs table for Gas Clean doesn't include hydrocarbons for sulfur filter and even your own cross-reference sheet do not include it as a replacement for Fuel Filter. But we have CP17989 probably for 5 years or so already, I don't know when it was introduced.

    Gas Clean Filters is a great product with big and quiet unnoticed "diagnostic problems-solver with gas purity, cause if it is all green, it's not oxygen or water problem" potential, it has more capacity than SGT, more sensitive (I've heard up to 40 times more sensitive) indication bar for water. Please help to make it even better.


    I find quiet strange not to disclose the type of material itself, because anyone can see it through the plastic walls of a filter from 3-5 meters on a sunny day and from 2-3 meters on a cloudy weather. The real secret, and it should stay proprietary, is exact material name, raw materials used, purity grade, production technology, exact vendor, purification and preparation method, exact testing protocol of ready made product (as it will reveal or hide product flaws), etc.

    And you've clearly know that since 2014 RMSH traps recall because of slow nitrogen degasing, but actually it was not any serious, only a cosmetic problem and you handled it great.

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