This Information Applies To: Agilent OpenLab CDS 2.x, OpenLab CDS ChemStation, OpenLab CDS EZChrom
This article outlines the procedure on how to add a project for OpenLab CDS, OpenLab CDS EZChrom, or OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition (if projects are enabled in the system).
A project is the set of directories that store related methods, data, sequences, and templates. Integrating applications can extend projects to capture user preferences for application-specific parameters like signature levels, file paths, audit trail flags, etc.
To perform the procedure as described, the user needs the privileges Project Management > Manage project or project group, Edit content of project, Delete content of project, and Manage project or project group access. Privileges are configured in the Control Panel.
Steps to Follow
Caution: Once the audit trail has been activated, it cannot be turned off.