This Information Applies To: Agilent OpenLab CDS Software (version 2.x)
This article will give instructions on how to create, save, and run sequences in the Agilent OpenLab CDS Software.
Steps to follow:
Launch the acquisition software through the OpenLab Control Panel, selecting Instruments in the bottom-left corner menu, then selecting the instrument from the list and clicking Launch. Alternatively, double-click the shortcut on the desktop (if it is created).
In the Acquisition Home tab, select the Sequence layout (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Sequence Layout
By default, the values last entered into the table are displayed. Proceed to the next step, or load an existing sequence in the Sequence Layout by clicking the Open a Sequence button .
Modify the sequence table according to the required injections:
Add Injection lines by clicking either the Add an Injection line to the end button , or the Insert an Injection line above button , in the sequence menu (see Figure 2).
Enter the vial number, or plate position for each injection (see Figure 2). For Agilent LC systems, the vial locations can be graphically selected using the sample tray button (see Figure 3).
Figure 2. Adding lines and vial positions to the sequence
Figure 3. Selecting the vial number, or plate position via the sample tray for LC systems.
Enter the appropriate values in the sequence table columns for each run in the sequence. The example in Figure 4 shows how to set the Sample type, Run type for calibration standards, Level for calibration standards, acquisition method (Acq. method), processing method if it is already created (Proc. method), the number of injections per vial (Inj/Vial), the Sample name, and the Data file name.
Optionally, use Fill Down to automatically fill in some or all the cells in the sequence table. Right-click a cell in the table and select a fill down option. The fill down applies to all cells under the selected cell (see Figure 5).
Fill down - copy: Fill cells with the same values as the selected cell.
Fill down - increment: Fill cells in the Vial, Sample name, and Data file columns sequentially by an increment of 1. The Sample name and Data file must include a token increment number for this option to be available.
Save the sequence clicking the Save sequence button , or save it with a different name clicking the Save the current sequence as a new file button .
Enter de Result name, and run the sequence by clicking the Run button on bottom right or the Run the sequence button in the sequence menu (see Figure 6).
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent OpenLab CDS Software:
HPLC-OLII-1180e - Agilent Infinity LC systems with OpenLab CDS - Sequences e-learning course from Agilent Education