Hi, I installed SureCall under NON-administrator account so it cannot run properly. I tried to uninstall but it always required administrator password which had never been set while installing. Can anyone help with this issue?
Hi, I installed SureCall under NON-administrator account so it cannot run properly. I tried to uninstall but it always required administrator password which had never been set while installing. Can anyone help with this issue?
This forum is for Chromatography software this question seems to be for Next Generation Sequencing software. I will see if we have appropriate forum on the community for this question.
Please ensure that the user account used to uninstall the software has read/write privileges for the SureCall installation folder (default folder directory is C:\agilent\SureCall_4.2.2.3) and has administrator permissions on the system. Otherwise, contact your local network administrator (IT Team) to grant read/write permissions to the installation drive.
Then, to uninstall SureCall, the user will need the admin account user's Windows' password or contact the user with the "Administrator" account on the computer where SureCall has been installed.
Only an admin can completely remove the software from the computer. Without the password, it is not possible to remove the software. If the user has admin rights and is still unable to uninstall SureCall, please follow up with informatics_support@agilent.com