Does anyone have experience with the analysis of organotin compounds by LC-MS?
is there anything published in the literature?
Does anyone have experience with the analysis of organotin compounds by LC-MS?
is there anything published in the literature?
See article by Imma Tolosa 1991 Fresenius Journal Analytical Chemistry. She is on ResearchGate if you subscribe:
Organotin Speciation in Aquatic Matrices by CGC/FPD, ECD and MS and LC/MS.
If you do a bing or google search for "organotin LC-MS," you will get multiple citations.
Thank you so much Steve for your help!
Riccardo - Can you come back to this thread to mark the last response with the "Correct Answer" button if it answered your question? That will help make the answer more visible and assist other users in finding solutions easier.
Another is Nichols et al. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406(12), 2014, pp 2993-2998.
doi: 10.1007/s00216-014-7683-1
Determination of tributyltin in marine... (PDF Download Available)