Reporting ASTM noise in Intelligent reports - OpenLab Chemstation Edition C.01.11

Hi community,

I answered a question on the forum this week about reporting noise from signals in Chemstation, using classic reporting:

Of course, being a fan of intelligent reporting, I tried to create a single injection report to show the same sort of thing and it didn't go to plan!

  • There appears to be a field Peak_Noise that should show the ASTM noise value for a given peak; this shows nothing in my report.  According to OpenLab Help and Learning, this field should be available for OpenLab Chemstation.

  • There's a report item to show Noise ranges, and that does show values for all of the ways to calculate noise, but does not allow me to filter to show the noise for just a single signal.

Am I missing something here?  What am I doing wrong?


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