I am trying to create a custom calculation to determine if the peak area of an unidentified peak is >= the peak area of a compound in a standard run (reporting limit criteria).

As stated in the title, I'd like to determine if the peak area of an unidentified peak is >= the peak area of the reporting limit standard. I'm using the CCs below and it will only report the results for the identified compound. How do I get this calculation to be reported for all integrated/unidentified peaks?

1. Determine what is the last checked reporting limit standard was. (LastCheckRLSTD)

If(CurrentSample.Sample_Type<>15, CurrentSequence.AllSamples.Where(function(y) y.Sample_OrderNumber<CurrentSample.Sample_OrderNumber).Where(function(y) y.Sample_Type=15).Select(function(y) y.Sample_Name).Last, "N/A")

2. Index the peak area of the compound peak in the reporting limit standard. (LastCheckRLSTDPeakArea)

CurrentSequence.AllIdentifiedPeaks.Where(function(y) y.Injection.Sample.Sample_OrderNumber<CurrentSample.Sample_OrderNumber).Where(function(y) y.Injection.Sample.Sample_Name=LastCheckRLSTD).Where(function(y) y.Compound_Name=CurrentPeakOrGroup.Compound_Name).Select(function(y) y.Peak_Area).Last

3. Determine if the peak area of an unidentified peak is greater than the peak area of the reporting limit standard.

If(Compound_Name="", If(Peak_Area > LastCheckRLSTDPeakArea, "Met", "Unmet"), "N/A")

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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