Area reject on individual chromatograms?

Compound A elutes in each chromatogram and i want to report the peak areas in each chromatogram that are greater than the peak area of Compound A in each chromatogram. As the area of Compound A varies in each chromatogram i can't use the area reject in the processing method as this applies globally to all chromatograms.

Can you help find a way to do this? I am using OpenLab 2.3.


  • Yes, the first table where i saved the Compound A area as a variable with unique key is above the 2nd table where i am trying to report the results. Very odd!

  • Hi dwaelsve,

    Thanks very much for your help. I have used the approach you have suggested with the variable and unique key on a different system and it works perfectly. Using this approach is the preferred option to the CC. Why it is not working on the system i am currently using is another issue!

    Thanks again.

  • Hello,

    Be aware that using stored IR variable as filters is not possible in older revision of the software. In some versions where the variable are not displayed you can use a custom expression to access them. Chemstation prior to C.01.10 and early versions of the CDS 2.x software variables cannot be used in filter expressions at all, do to issue with the rendering engine. 

    Marty Adams

  • Hi Marty

    I am currently using Openlab 2.3 so i guess it is not possible with this revision to use stored IR variable as filters? 

    I am interested to learn how to use a custom expression to access the stored variable - are you be able to provide more information on this please?

  • Hi Camelia,

    It is possible to filter without CC, but if it is working with CC I would leave it be. However, if you want to try the non-CC way then read on;

    1. Create two tables on the report and then group them

    2. I like to add repeating on the sample name (sample_name), as this adds the sample name to the top of the table.

    3. In the first table go to properties

    4. Filter the table for the compound name of the compound you want to use the area from (Compound A). In my case I am using demo data and Ethyl paraben as my "Compound A"

    5. Now select the Area column and "Column properties"

    6. and then select "Value", which should be peak_area, and then "Save expression result as"

    7. Give it an easy name to use/remember

    8. Save and Apply.

    9. In the second table select "Properties" then "Filtering"

    10. Now in the Expression Editor add the following

    11.  =iif(CDbl(Peak_Area<EPArea),Peak_Area,"")  Change the EPArea to your variable name. (Note the CDbl converts the TEXT in the variable to an actual NUMBER, hence why if you try this without the conversion you get a rendering error as you cannot do a logical comparison if a number is larger than the word!)

    12. Add a second filter to remove the reference compound from the second table as so. Change the value to suit your compound name.

    13. Preview with some data to see if it works. If it does then select table 1>Properties>Advanced, deselect "Visible" to hide the table from the preview

    14. Et Voila.

    An example can be seen below, I have included unknown peaks also in the table as this example data only has 2 "real" compounds :


    That should work with 2.3, I did it 2.5. Let me know how you go.

  • Hi Shaneo,

    I have tried the non CC way of using  =iif(CDbl(Peak_Area>"F"),Peak_Area,"") in the Value for filtering and it has got rid of the rendering issue but the report is still reporting areas < F (shown in the Area column below)

    However, the expression you gave can be used as the Value in a custom field column in the table (Col2) and hey presto! Only areas > F are reported.  

    To get the rounding i used =IIf(CDbl(Peak_Area>F),Round(Peak_Area,0),"")

    So, many thanks to dwaelsve, Marty and shaneo for helping me to crack this one.

    Much appreciated 

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