Open Lab CDS 2.2 Question for Calibration

Hello Everyone,


I'm new to Open Lab CDS and I currently have version 2.2 paired with a Agilent GC-FID. I'm still learnng the software and I had a few questions in regards to calibrating and calculating uncalibrated peaks. In Open Lab CDS, how do I calculate uncalibrated peaks using a known compound? I'm used to seeing this in Open Lab Chemstation in "Calibration Settings" but can't find that open in Open Lab CDS. Also, how do I recalibrate a processing method? I'm used to just running standards and going into "Calibration" and recalibrating my different levels manually under "Recalibration". In addition, is there a function to replace the existing calibration for a level and then average the response factor for different runs for the same level? I run all my standards in triplicate so it's something I'm trying to figure out.


Thanks for any help that you can provide.



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