Add compound to MS library


Im trying to add a compound to a library, but somehow I cannot add it to a library.

Im following the steps in the help&learning but the last step fails. 

When I click on 'add to library' I cant select the libraries that are actually there. 

Do I need to make a user library? IF so, wow does that work?

When I search for 'user library' the openlab help &learn only gives me the 'Build a custom library' like above, not specifying how to actually create a user library.

I am using openlabs 2.8 and have these libraries available 


Kind regards,


  • Hello Franciska,

    The libraries you have listed, mainlib, nist_ri, and replib are all commercial libraries from NIST.  Those libraries are locked and you can't add spectra to them.  You will need to first create a custom library.  The OpenLab Help does not describe the process in detail because that information is located in the NIST MS Search help.  Below is a quick set of instructions on how to create a custom library and how to add spectra to the custom library.

    - Have OpenLab CDS send the spectra to NIST MS Search.  Click on Create Library.

    -  Enter the custom library name and click on OK.

    -  Double click on the spectra sent from OpenLab CDS to open the Spectrum Information Window and update any of the compound information that is relevant.  This is also the point where you can change the name from MS1FrontScan... to the compound name you want.  From this window you can use the Add to Library button now or you can click on Replace to save the compound information.

    -  If you did not use the Add to Library from the Spectrum Information window, with the spectrum highlighted by clicking on it, you can click on the Add Spectrum to Library icon.  Select your custom library and click on OK.

    -  Back in OpenLab CDS add the new custom library to your processing method and reprocess the result set.

    - Bill

  • Hi Bill, thank you so much, this is super helpfull.

    Stupid enough I didnt realize I should have looked in the NIST MS search program.

    Thanks again!

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