"An unexpected error occurred and we cannot continue..." in intelligent reporting

Hi I keep getting this unexpected error when editing a report and it closes the software each time it happens. Anyone knows what cause it or how I can resolve this ? I looked in around and couldn't find anyone having same error (with System.Windows.Form)

Thank you.

  • I think I figured out the source of the error. For anyone that it may help : When using "Not" don't make a space between the not and the expression.

    Example : Not (this>0) will cause the error, but Not(this>0) will work without issue

    It's unfortunate that the Expression Editor doesn't show this error when using the "Not" logical operator. I had to "guess" where the issue comes from.

    EDIT : This may also be because of usage of variable that I deleted (by deleting column that get it). I'm not sure which caused it anymore.

    EDIT 2 : I don't know the cause anymore, the error keep coming back when I copy/paste a table.

  • Hello,

    Yes, you can have seemingly valid expressions that can trigger errors. When you close or apply an object in the report editor the software has to translate your expression from the editor to the RDL language. I some cases the syntax of the expression can cause problems with that translation and cause an error. They try to capture any issues and fix them during updates. I was not able to reproduce your issue in the in the latest CDS 2.x version. Can you tell me what software (Chemstation, CDS 2.x, EZChrom) you are using IR in and the version?


  • Thank you for your answer. My version is CDS 2.7, are you using a more recent version ?

  • Hello,

    I tested in both 2.7 and 2.8 and could not reproduce the issue. It may have to do with the object where you used the syntax or the expression in its entirety. I have seen the most issues in the past when using combinations of variable, custom calculation results, and report parameters in expressions because in the RDL file those have the most complexity in the syntax. 


  • I see, thank you for trying to help me with the issue. Anyway, I just did all the tables (I wanted to copy/paste) from scratch without copy/pasting them to avoid having the error again.

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