How to change vial position in method and load vial into inlet/outlet and replenish vial position using macro?


I am using an Agilent CE7100 instrument with OpenLab CDS version Rev. 1.07. SR2 (255) / A.02.13 [014], and I have two questions regarding the autosampler:

How can I change the vial position in a method/sequence using macros? I’m looking for a way to modify the injection vial position for a given sample in the autosampler within a specific method, which will be changed by macro (command).

Is there a macro to load the vial into the inlet and into the replenish vial position? I’d like to know if it’s possible to write a macro that inserts a vial into the inlet/outlet and replenish vial, and if so, what command should I use?

Is there any simple way to start only a selected line in the sequence table by command/macro?

We started to operate Agilent 7100 CE via Python commands, and there is a lack of MACRO command descriptions or they don't work.

Thank you in advance for any help or guidance on the correct commands or procedures.

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