Standard Agreement Using Peak Area Ratios Determined from Custom Calculation

Our SOP (residual solvents) indicates that standard agreement should be calculated by comparing the mean peak area ratio of the system suitability standard to the check standard peak area ratio. I have created a custom calculation for peak area ratio. However, I'm not sure how to calculate standard agreement using the peak area ratio in the full results report. Right now, the full results report is set up to calculate standard agreement per the screenshot below. The standard check is designated by using a sample label (C) in the injection list.

Any help or tips would be much appreciated.


  • Hello,

    You would need to give me more details about the calculation to be sure this will work. I would do the entire calculation in CC as in the example below. In this case, I used a compound custom field to enter the conc values for the sys and check standard injections. The custom field and the peak area was used to calculate and RF value.  I then used an expression to get the average RF for the sys suit injections to use for the check standards to calculate a recovery value. You can change that CC to be a % error or other calculation.


    RF_Ratio Type-Double Scope-PeakorGroup

    CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetCustomField("QC Conc") / Peak_Area

    CheckVsSys Ratio Type-Double Scope-PeakorGroup

    If(Sample_Type = 4, RF_ratio / CurrentSequence.AllIdentifiedPeaks.Where(function (x) x.Compound_Name = CurrentPeakOrGroup.Compound_Name).Where(function (x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_Type= 7).Select(function(x) x.GetDoubleCC("RF_ratio")).average * 100,Double.NAN)

  • Hi marty,

    Here's the linked CC for the processing method.

    And, here's how peak area ratio (PAR) is set up in the final results report.

    Let me know if you need more information.


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