No add button in OpenLAB Control Panel, unable connecting licensing server

Hello guys,

I had problems opening the Chemstation. When opening it, there were no actions possible, also closing of the Chemstation was not possible. Only with the help of the Task Manager I could close the program

When opening the Openlab control panel. An error said, that unable to contact licensing service. I checked the server, name should be right, and I downloaded the license again, but was not able to add it, because the add button does not work

Does anyone know what I can do?

Thanks for all replies!

  • Hello,

    See the information below as a first step. Another possible issue is the licensing server name. The name is typically set to localhost in most later versions of workstation software. I would change that to localhost and see if you can add a file. You do need the actual computer name in the file. I am assuming this is a workstation install and that you are not using a central licensing server. 


    OpenLABCDS – ChemStation – Due to corrupted config files launch/start instrument isn’t working or the license server is not available or Instrument UI partly greyed out

    OpenLABCDS ChemStation Edition



    Mostly after a power interruption but also with other circumstances the following files can be corrupted


    Point 1: When trying to launch an instrument error msg. “Configuration system failed to initialize. ChemStation will shut down now.”

    Point 2: Sometimes after solving the above issue a further error comes up “Autostart Macro failed, error #xxxx occurred” the left side of the user interface (explorer) are grey. In this case the number of the error can vary but the problem is mostly the same.

    Point 3: Instrument launch not possible because license server not available/started


    Resolution or Recommendation:

    To point 1: This points to a corrupted user.config file (See below)

    To point 2: To solve this issue you must rename/delete the following files one after the other.

    Check after each step whether the problem is solved.

    1. Config.reg and Conf_off.reg
    2. RapidControlInstrumentConfig.xml
    3. ChemStationPer InstrumentSettings.config
    4. Instrument.config

    You’ll find them all in


    or in case it is ChemStation C.01.08 or higher in

    “Program Data/Agilent Technologies/ChemStation/InstNo”

    To point 3: Mostly the concurrent_state.xml become corrupt, which prevents Agilent OpenLab License Server fromstarting: 

    C:\ProgramFiles\AgilentTechnologies\OpenLABServices\Licensing\Flexera\conf\concurrent_state.xml   (may vary if installation location is different)

    When this file is valid, it contains valid XML. When corrupt, it contains NULL (0x00) characters. If it becomes corrupted, delete this file and then restart Agilent OpenLab License Server.

    OpenLAB CDS ChemStation  –  ChemStation login failed Error “Configuration system failed to initialize.


    General Description/Summary:

    Login failed with following message. Configuration system failed to initialize. ChemStation will shut down now. The error message then explains that user.config file is corrupt.


    Rename or delete the file “user.config”. It will be recreated automatically during the next ChemStation launch process


    Win7/Win10 Computer

    c:\users\<logged on user>\appdata\local\agilent_technologies\chemmain.exe_url_xyz\\user.config

    XP computer

    C:\Documents and Settings\<logged_on_user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Agilent_Technologies\CHEMMAIN.EXE_Url_xlvsr1c1b5wijktns4g1gcbrae3dl030\2.0


    On AIC

    C:\Users\username\appdata\local/Agilent Technologies\ChemMain.exe_url_xyz….\’\user.config


    It’s necessary to set folder options to “show hidden files, folders…”

  • Hi,

    I already tried this, but it didn't work.


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