How to transfer data files from Openlab Chemstation (2.6) to CDS (3.6)?

I want to transfer data files from a single sequence to Openlab CDS, in order to process them in this software. I am not sure which files/formats need to be moved in order to be able to do this. Chemstation and CDS versions are on separate systems, and I do not have the Agilent Migration Tool. 

  • Hello,

    Well, we would need to know the version of Chemstation and are the files in a result set. Also is this a CDS file based workstation, workstation +, or client server installation? If it is a result set from C.01.xx or higher Chemstation and you have a file based workstation you can simple copy the result set folder from Chemstation to the results in a CDS project. If you have single injections, you can use the import raw data to add the files once copied somewhere on the CDS system. Please note Chemstation versions will be in the format B.xx.xx or C.01.xx and CDS will be 2.x. 

  • Hello, my apologies, the Chemstation is Rev, C.01.08 [210] and the CDS is 2.7. They are indeed single injections -- I was able to do it with your assistance, thank you! I had been erroneously trying to open the raw data files after having uploaded them via the Content Browser but importing them from a saved location on the desktop did the trick.  Thank you

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