Auto calculate calibration amount in Openlab CDS


I am setting a method in OpenLab CDS where the ISTD (calbration) amount is different for each run. I am wondering if it is possible if we key in the ISTD weight in the sequence table, and the amount could be auto-calculated when I review the chromatogram?

C23:0 is the ISTD and would be spiked into each sample, hence the amount spiked in would be different for each run. The amount of C23:0 =  ISTD amount / 25

Thus my question is, is it possible to let the software auto calculate the amount of C23:0 (which will change the Level amount automatically for each run), by entering the ISTD amount and multiplier? 

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    If you are just trying to change the ISTD concentration you can do that for each injection of the sequence in the table. You may need to turn on the correct columns in the sequence. You can also change external standard values if needed in the sequence for your calibration injections. This can be done in the compound amounts tab if you have a processing method selected.

    Marty Adams

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