How to... choose the peak


I am using Agilent OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition rev. C.01.10 [287], Intelligent Reporting version I have five peaks in the chromatogram and I  would like to make pretty simple report with peak names. I put the field -> Compound -> Name to the report but it show first peak everytime. Expression for the value in this field is  =First(Compound_Name) and I do not know how to choose the peak.

Can anyone explain to me how to choose the peak in chromatogram?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards Ondřej

Parents Reply
  • @ Cibulka

    I would place the field in a filtered group:

    Start with dragging in the field Signal to Noise 6 Sigma from under Fields -> Peak 

    next: group it, Richt click and click group

    Then: edit the properties of the group (the rectangle around the field) and set the group repeat to -1 to allow for filtering (it will not repeat)

    then: edit your filters

    This field will now show 1 result. This would be handy if you only print a result for 1 sample.
    If you need it for multiple samples in a sequence, you might want to repeat the group, or use the aforementioned tables.

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