"Run external program" plugin does not activate when in a sequence

I am running OpenLab CDS version 2.6. I have a processing method in Data Analysis that uses the "CSV export" post processing plugin to save chromatograms generated during an analysis run, and then I have my own Python script that imports the generated .CSV files and processes them. So in the Post Processing Plugins part of the OpenLab processing method, I have the "CSV export" plugin active followed by the "Run external program" plugin (see screenshot). Everything works beautifully if I open a data file in Data Analysis and reprocess the data by clicking "Reprocess Selected" or "Reprocess All." However, when I set up an analysis sequence to automatically run the same processing method for each sample in the sequence, only the .CSV files appear. It's like the "Run external program" plugin does not activate when the OpenLab processing method is set up to run automatically as part of a sequence. I have to manually open the sequence in Data Analysis to the the external program to run as part of the OpenLab processing method. Can you tell me what's wrong here?

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