How can I export the peak area percentages of several hundred samples from OpenLab to excel?

I have a set of ~500 samples taken by an Agilent 990 Micro GC running continuously. I'm using an integration method (which I didn't write) to get the peak areas for each sample, and I combined those results into a resultset, but I can still only view the peak areas of one sample at a time within the result set. I can export the peak area tables for each sample by right clicking the table and clicking "export", but trying to do the same with the entire resultset doesn't seem to be working. How can I export all of the data simultaneously? Optimally I could get this in a format with each identified compound in its own column with its peak area being listed against either sample number or time.

Parents Reply
  • Hi

    Here's my step-by-step guide to doing what I think you are asking:

    Create a new Single Sequence Summary report template

    Add a Compound Summary RT Conc. Matrix

    Customise the columns used in the matrix

    Add the Peak_AreaPercent column and remove the Peak_RT and Compound_Concentration columns

    The matrix sorts the injections alphabetically, rather than by injection order - Change the sort order in the Grouping section.

    Remove the sort by Sample_Name for the first two groups

    This will give you a report perfect for export to Excel.

    Kind regards


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