Automatically not desired EICs


Lately, every time I create a new processing method, the main ion chromatograms of my identified peaks are automatically extracted. I do not need this extractions and don't know how to disable them. When reprocessing it takes too long.

It would be grate if anyone could help!

Thank you very much!!

Parents Reply Children
  • Gr8..

    Then do opposite and tick on base peak chromatogram and save then check...

  • I will try it!

    But I think my poblem is in the processing method since the EICs only appear in the identified peaks. For example if I have a standard processing method and I add a new compound, when reprocessing, a new extracted ion chromatogram appears.

    In the below screenchot I can modify the way it extracts the ion chromatogram, but there is no place where I can uncheck it.

    I have also checked in the Compounds/spectra window and I cannot find it either:

    Thank you so much for your time!

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