A few more questions on report formatting

Greetings one and all,

I'm still running on OpenLab CDS Chemstation (Rev. C.01.10[201]) and just want to ask a few of you to quickie questions on report templates;

1) I'd like to filter a table using THREE criteria. When I click on the table to table format, then click on the "value" option, I can enter a variety of criteria such as signal, compound name, and other possible options. I want to filter the table based on signal then on two criteria using the compound name. Sorting by micro ECD signal works out fine. One set of compounds I want to use (not filter out) I have labeled with an "(A)", a second set is labeled with a "(B)". There are other compounds I donnot want in this table. They are unlabeled. So I then add a second field to sort out the various compounds I have labeled with an "(A)" in my calibration by filtering using "*(A)*". It adds an "and" to the far right column labeled "and/or" on the previous line where I filtered the compounds by signal. Great. I can then filter by another set of compounds I have labeled with an "(A)" in my calibration and it works out fine. The problem is when I want to filter either by the label "(A)" OR "(B)". I cannot get the "And/Or" line to give me an OR. It always defaults to AND. How and I get this to add the "OR" term so I can sort by signal then "(A)" OR "(B)"?

2) When I manually integrate a chromatogram in the off line mode the data file is marked with an "M" to indicate the manual integration. Again, great. Is there any way I can have this "M" show on the report template table the chromatogram to show it  has been manually integrated or am I stuck with simply making a column where then analysts indicates this themselves?

  • Hi  

    For the filtering question i would build an expression like

    =Compound_Name Like "*(A)*" OR Compound_Name Like "*(B)*" and compare that to =true

    then add your second filter as you already do.

    For question two, you can add a column with the Peak_BaselineCode for your manual integration flags.

    Does that answer your questions?


  • It well may. I'll have to check it out.

     With regard to my second question: I thought I saw an answer swhere somebody suggested I use "Peak-BaselineCode" as a report collumn value to transfer the labeling of a manual integration from the data file to the report. Do you know anything about this or can you direct me to some resource where I can at l`east find out a bit more about what these codes mean? I was hoping to find a value that simply makes the manually integrated peak, but that seems to not be the case.

    ETA: It seems the "Peak-BaselineCode give me a code for each compound denoting how the instrument integrated each peak of interest. For example, I take it "BB" means baseline to baseline while "BV" means baseline to peak valley. Am I correct? If so, I'm fuzzy on what some of the other codes mean. If this is the case, then does it seem reasonable to you that I can make a condition where if the column containing the peak baseline coded = "MM" (which I take to mean they have been manually integrated), I can use this condition to record simply an "M" in another column to indicate the manual integration. I can then HIDE the peak baseline code column so the report doesn't get too clogged up and confusing with all the codes. This would give a single column indicating only manual integrations. How far off base am I? This might seem confusing, but I'm trying to keep the codes to a minimum. There will be people looking at these reports who know even less about this than I and I want to keep the data as simple, stream-lined, and complete as possible.

  • It well may. I'll have to check it out.

     With regard to my second question: I thought I saw an answer swhere somebody suggested I use "Peak-BaselineCode" as a report collumn value to transfer the labeling of a manual integration from the data file to the report. Do you know anything about this or can you direct me to some resource where I can at l`east find out a bit more about what these codes mean? I was hoping to find a value that simply makes the manually integrated peak, but that seems to not be the case.

    ETA: It seems the "Peak-BaselineCode give me a code for each compound denoting how the instrument integrated each peak of interest. For example, I take it "BB" means baseline to baseline while "BV" means baseline to peak valley. Am I correct? If so, I'm fuzzy on what some of the other codes mean. If this is the case, then does it seem reasonable to you that I can make a condition where if the column containing the peak baseline coded = "MM" (which I take to mean they have been manually integrated), I can use this condition to record simply an "M" in another column to indicate the manual integration. I can then HIDE the peak baseline code column so the report doesn't get too clogged up and confusing with all the codes. This would give a single column indicating only manual integrations. How far off base am I? This might seem confusing, but I'm trying to keep the codes to a minimum. There will be people looking at these reports who know even less about this than I and I want to keep the data as simple, stream-lined, and complete as possible.

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