question about grouping in report template/ intelligent reporting in Open Lab CDS 2.5


I have a question about grouping in the report template/intelligent reporting in Open Lab CDS 2.5. (what is the difference?)

I am currently working on grouping three different injections of the same sample. The grouping parameters i have currently set to this: =IF(Compound_Name = "" , round(Peak_RetentionTime,2)   , Compound_Name )
This works perfectly for my named peaks, however when an unknown has a retention time of 0.01 more or less in one of the injections, they are obviously not grouped. How can i change my formula to include RT +/- 0.01

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  • Hi

    How to...

    Open the custom calculation editor from the Processing tab in the ribbon in Data Analysis

    Create a new custom calculation file and add a formula like this one (in this case, I've rounded to 1 decimal place to get consistency between all of the samples)

    Save the custom calculation file and add it to the processing method.  Reprocess and you should see an extra column in the Results table

    You can then use the custom calculation in the grouping in your results table.  The grouping in the report then need to be

     =IF(Compound_Name = "",CCR((Compound_CustomCalculationResults),"RoundedRT"), Compound_Name)

    The CCR part comes from the Compound fields

     I've done this with all of the files in an example result set. 

    Hope that makes sense.


  • Hi

    Thanks for the explanation.
    But wouldn't this be exactly the same als just writing =IF(Compound_Name = "" , round(Peak_RetentionTime,1)   , Compound_Name ) ?

  • It might well be.  I'll go back to your first post... if you want to group peaks together +/- 0.01 of a retention time.  Which sample would be used as the reference, to define the centre point of the range?  Would it be the first one?  I'm wondering if the custom calculation could identify the unknown peaks and then find peaks in other samples within your +/- 0.01 minutes of the peaks in the first injection.

    It's beginning to get complicated!!

  • "I'm wondering if the custom calculation could identify the unknown peaks and then find peaks in other samples within your +/- 0.01 minutes of the peaks in the first injection."
    This is exactly something like i was aiming for!
    Sadly though my colleagues shot my idea down. the peaks need to be grouped together with 100% chance of no errors. Since we cannot find a 100% foolproof way, we decided to only group identified peaks and leave the unidentified in a seperate table.

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