How can I get more decimal places/ significant figures in the concentration amount given on a report?

I am using open lab CDS/ chem station and when quantifying an active I am looking for a bit more significant figures in the concentration amount it spits out when I have the program analyze the data and make a report for me. I am having to calculate by hand with areas for more accuracy, but it would be much easier if the report could just give me more decimal places/ sig figs in the concentration it gives me based on my cal curve. Does anybody know how to get more decimal places in the concentration it gives you under "amount"? Thanks for any help.

Parents Reply
  • You can change the number of decimals/significant digits to report your concentration/amount out to by editing your table properties on the Intelligent Report template you are using. To edit the report template, you will need to be in the Report Layout view of OpenLAB ChemStation.


    When in the 'Edit Report Template' tab in Report Layout (after loading your report template of interest), you will need to right-click on the table where your concentration is being reported and select 'Properties':



    In the table properties in the Columns tab, highlight your Concentration/Amount column and then click on the Column Properties button:


    In the Column Properties window that appears, go to the Value Format tab and this is where you can edit the number of digits after the decimal place you want the report to display:


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