How do I easily export data; retention time, area, hight, peak width etc, to excel. I use Chemstation B. I would like to export all samples in a sequence.
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How do I easily export data; retention time, area, hight, peak width etc, to excel. I use Chemstation B. I would like to export all samples in a sequence.
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Please see the description of batch reporting in the below linked comment. This feature in ChemStation will allow you to generate a batch report for some or all of your data files in a sequence in an Excel format.
Hi, I can follow along the very nice description until looking at the data in excel, where I see only sample name and retention time, eventhough I chose to see area, height etc. in batch options. Can anyone help me ?
Are you making sure to save the batch file after you make changes to the Batch Review Options? Can you please take a screenshot of the Report Table and Report Options tabs in the Batch Review Options window for this batch so that we can see how you are setting everything up?
Are you making sure to save the batch file after you make changes to the Batch Review Options? Can you please take a screenshot of the Report Table and Report Options tabs in the Batch Review Options window for this batch so that we can see how you are setting everything up?
I use Chemstation B04.02.SP2