Combining Multiple Processing Methods with Two-Level Calibrations in OpenLab CDS for Micro GC 990


I am using the Agilent Micro GC 990 with Online OpenLab CDS software. I performed a calibration using a multi-component gas calibration cylinder and created a processing method. However, some gas components require a second-level calibration, for which I have 99.98% pure gas cylinders.

I created separate processing methods for each of these components (one level, 99.98%), but I now want to combine all methods into a single processing method that includes both levels of calibration (e.g., the original calibration and the second-level calibration).

Is it possible to create a single processing method that accommodates two-level calibrations for multiple components?

Thank you

  • Hello,

    What version of CDS 2.x software are you using? If you have CDS 2.8 it is possible to copy calibrations between methods, not just the compound names and configuration but the entire calibration. My suggestions for older versions would be to setup a calibration as below where the level where a compound should not be present are blank. In the example below, peak B is only in level 4 and 5. If a peak is found in any other levels at that RT it will be ignored in the calibration. Also, peak C and E cannot reliably be found at the lowest level, so we leave that level blank for them. 


  • Hello,

    What version of CDS 2.x software are you using? If you have CDS 2.8 it is possible to copy calibrations between methods, not just the compound names and configuration but the entire calibration. My suggestions for older versions would be to setup a calibration as below where the level where a compound should not be present are blank. In the example below, peak B is only in level 4 and 5. If a peak is found in any other levels at that RT it will be ignored in the calibration. Also, peak C and E cannot reliably be found at the lowest level, so we leave that level blank for them. 


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