The problem in UV8453 instrument
The problem in UV8453 instrument
You must be logged in as the Manager.
If the software is compliant 21 CFR Part 11 Security pack G1813AA or ECM G5182AA you will need to be logged in as a Manager. For non-compliant G1115AA you can choose Manager Level from the Config drop down menu. If it is password protected, you can remove the password, if it was mistakenly set up or if the Manager is no longer there. Check with your internal SOP about permission to change it.
Best regards,
UV Vis ChemStation: Removal of the Manager Level Password
The manger level password information is written to the initialization file, win.ini or chemstation.ini. Which one depends on the revision of ChemStation installed.
Revision A.xx.xx 16 bit ChemStation will be written to win.ini
Revision B.xx.xx 32 bit ChemStation will be written to chemstation.ini
Caution: The Windows folder will include a win.ini file even with the B revision of software, but the file will not contain the password information.
You may edit the file to remove the manager password.
1. Open the windows folder on the C drive.
2. Locate and copy the INI file (win.ini or chemstation.ini) depending on your revision.
3. Paste the file on the desktop and rename the file extension to bak.
4. There will be a warning about functionality of the file, select YES to accept the change.
5. Go back to the INI file within the Windows folder.
6. Open the file with Notepad.
7. Scroll (or use the Find command under the Edit menu, and type in password.) to the bottom of the file where you will find the line:
8. Password =OGJMJKOHEIEO)
9. Delete the line Password =OGJMJKOHEIEO.
10. You may delete user names as well.
11. Save and close the INI file
When you open the ChemStation for the first time, the operator name entered is the manager. You may create a password, by choosing Change Password and entering the password, and it will open at the Manager Level.
To create an Operator, go to the Config menu and choose Changer Operator Name, and create a name. Then switch to Operator level, also from the Config menu.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!