"Hexadecimal Value 0x05 is an invalid character. Line 90, position 45"

This error keeps on showing up on Cary 630 MicroLab Software, any way to fix this? 


  • 1. version 5.3

    2. It only happened in a few of the results, not all

    3. No, I did not reinstall the micro lab since I only have two licenses available

  • Hi..

    are you getting error while checking overlay report/Qualitative Search ?

    This error could be  due to  improper method preparation in MicroLab software.

    1. Suggests user to choose proper method type while making standard run ( Data collect) & its result into library properly.

    2. Make new method using old(data collect) method & libraries accordingly.

    3. Ensure Proper Report Template selection for Qualitative methods. 

    4. Also, Suggesting users to use less characters while saving/naming results & method files.


    This doesn't appear after making proper methods.

    pls confirm, it resolves the issue.


  • Hi..

    are you getting error while checking overlay report/Qualitative Search ?

    This error could be  due to  improper method preparation in MicroLab software.

    1. Suggests user to choose proper method type while making standard run ( Data collect) & its result into library properly.

    2. Make new method using old(data collect) method & libraries accordingly.

    3. Ensure Proper Report Template selection for Qualitative methods. 

    4. Also, Suggesting users to use less characters while saving/naming results & method files.


    This doesn't appear after making proper methods.

    pls confirm, it resolves the issue.


No Data
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