Microlab Lite doesn't function for me. I have always to connect instrument do do anything 'cause when i try to open MicrolabLite I obtain "CLASSE NON VALIDA".
Microlab Lite doesn't function for me. I have always to connect instrument do do anything 'cause when i try to open MicrolabLite I obtain "CLASSE NON VALIDA".
Thank you for reaching out. I am sorry you are getting an error message while trying to launch the software. MicroLab Lite does not require and instrument connection to run. The error message you receive when the software cannot connect to the instrument at launch will mention -2 in the error message. You message translates similar to a Class Not Valid message. This kind of error can indicate that .NET 3.5 was not installed before the software was. Is this a new installation by chance?
I also see in your other message that you are running MicroLab B.05.4. May I please have the Windows version you are running the software on?
Best Regards,
Andrew Coukouma
I tried to do something like find in : "FAILED TO REGISTRED CLASS NOT REGISTERED ERROR" by Mike Piccolelli but without results...
I would recommend that you contact your local technical support team, Contact Us | Agilent. They will be able to address your issue with more depth.
Best Regards,
Andrew Coukouma
The problem is in the WMI service of windows that is acrive but i don't know it doesn't function with Microlab Lite only.