Vaya Identifies Common Solvents in Sealed Amber Bottles for Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

Vaya verifying the identity of solvents in amber glass bottles

Solvents are commonly used raw materials, especially in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. These solvents are typically stored in amber bottles to preserve quality. In a recent application note, the Agilent Vaya handheld Raman spectrometer was used to quickly and reliably identify solvents through amber bottles, without the need to open the container. Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) enables this unique capability, providing an advantage over conventional handheld Raman solutions which often struggle with identifying through amber glass.

Vaya verifying the identity of polysorbates in amber bottles

In addition to the solvents featured in this application note, Vaya can also identify polysorbates through amber bottles. Polysorbates have a short shelf life and are especially sensitive to opening prior to entering manufacturing / production. Further, Vaya is broadly applicable across biopharmaceutical manufacturing raw material workflows.

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