How to set up calculations for area averages, retention time, asymmetry, among other parameters in a MassHunter report? Using the Report Builder
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How to set up calculations for area averages, retention time, asymmetry, among other parameters in a MassHunter report? Using the Report Builder
Hello MattHenri ,
There is an example in this post about how to perform calculations over an entire report template.
Hello MattHenri ,
There is an example in this post about how to perform calculations over an entire report template.
I wrote this code but
How can I update this script so that Report Builder calculates the average only if 6 samples are processed, if more or fewer samples are processed the result is "--"?
import System
import System.IO
# Inicializar Resplist se não estiver definida
if 'Resplist' not in globals():
Resplist = []
# Adicionar o valor de TargetResponse à lista
x = 0 if BoundItems["TargetPeak"] is None or BoundItems["TargetPeak"].IsTargetResponseNull() else BoundItems["TargetPeak"].TargetResponse
# Definir o número de elementos para calcular a média
n = 6
i = len(Resplist)
# Calcular a média se houver elementos suficientes
if i == n:
mean = sum(Resplist[i-n:i]) / float(n)
mean = round(mean) # Arredondar a média para o inteiro mais próximo
mean = "--"
# Exibir a média
The way it is written, the code always presents the result in the sixth sample.