Change quantifier transition

Hello everybody, I have a problem trying to change a qualifier transition to a quantifier one. I’ve changed the transition masses manually in the “qualifier setup”, but then the peaks are gone. I know that the masses are correct because I chose them from the ones already in the method, and the peak was ok when the transition was set as a qualifier. Could you please help me?

  • Hello  ,

    With the latest versions of quant, all MRM transitions have a default CE Delta and Fragmentor Voltage Delta of 0.1 V. In previous versions this was not the case, and you could manually change transitions without having to account for differences in the signal's acquisition parameters. Now if you manually change the transition but do not update the CE and/or Fragmentor voltage of the MRM transition no data points will be extracted. 

    To avoid having to manually adjust all of these, it is best to use the context menu option to Swap Qualifier with Quantifier. This will exchange all signal information without the need to manually correct any settings. This can be accessed by right clicking in a qualifier row in the method editor.

  • Hello, Howard,

    Thank you a lot! I got the same answer from another Brazilian colleague, and it worked perfectly.

    I don't know why this is not in the QQQ manual available at Agilent website, because when you are working with hundreds of transitions, for example, in pesticides analysis, it's really helpful.

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