MassHunter calculated concentration

Hello everyone, 

I am having an issue with MassHunter Calculated Concentration. I ran a couple injections and out of the 22 analytes I ran, in 2 analytes in most injections I get a calculated concentration of 0. The response of the analyte is good, the peak looks perfect, and the internal standard looks good as well. I try to reintegrate the peak but there is no difference. Anyone can help me with this? I have attached a screenshot. Any help is appreciated!

  • Hello  ,

    Since you are using an internal standard, your calibration curves are made using the relative response for your target, which is the response ratio of your target to the ISTD. This is the RR column in your batch table. Any sample that has an RR less than the y-intercept of your curve will report a calc. conc. of zero. You will need to follow your lab's established procedures or protocols to determine how to proceed. 

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