We recently changed from Chemstation to Masshunter Quantitative Analysis for our data analysis. Since our older devices still have Chemstation as acquistion program, we must translate our samples first using the GCMS translator. The translation goes well every time ,apart from a message about the SIM acquisition we were able to bypass by changing some settings in "Method Editor".
For almost all samples this goes well and we can analyze everything in the batch but once in a while I get the following error. It comes very randomly as we sometimes have multiple batches and sequences in a row without any problems:
After some trial and error, I found out that the problem is always caused by only 1 sample. If we leave out or delete this specific sample from the batch, everything works fine without any errors or messages.
Retranslation en rebuilding the batch does not make any difference. I also can't find any related troubleshooting about this problem online.
When I look at the batch (and the "corrupt" sample) in the old Chemstation Data analysis there seems to be no problem. I can analyze, change and export the data as usual.
The version of Masshunter we are using is: Build 10.2.733.8
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is and how we can bypass/solve it?
Achim Hongenaert