Batch analysis failed: nullable must have a value


We recently changed from Chemstation to Masshunter Quantitative Analysis for our data analysis. Since our older devices still have Chemstation as acquistion program, we must translate our samples first using the GCMS translator. The translation goes well every time ,apart from a message about the SIM acquisition we were able to bypass by changing some settings in "Method Editor". 

For almost all samples this goes well and we can analyze everything in the batch but once in a while I get the following error. It comes very randomly as we sometimes have multiple batches and sequences in a row without any problems:

After some trial and error, I found out that the problem is always caused by only 1 sample. If we leave out or delete this specific sample from the batch, everything works fine without any errors or messages. 

Retranslation en rebuilding the batch does not make any difference. I also can't find any related troubleshooting about this problem online. 

When I look at the batch (and the "corrupt" sample) in the old Chemstation Data analysis there seems to be no problem. I can analyze, change and export the data as usual. 

The version of Masshunter we are using is:  Build 10.2.733.8

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is and how we can bypass/solve it?


Achim Hongenaert 

  • Hello  ,

    This error was reported under certain conditions in B.07.00 Quant. In one case it appeared to occur when all compounds were set to use the blank offset origin for their cal curves. Remaking the batch resolved that issue. Another case appeared to be caused by using the Peak Resolution outlier. This issue was resolved in B.07.01 SP2. 

    Does this error occur if you simply try to load the sample in quant and view it, or only when you analyze a batch with your method? Did you build the method from acquired SIM data or was it made manually or from some other acquisition method? Using a method made with a different acq method can cause issues, depending on the signal differences.

    Make certain if you are doing the automated translation that you are using the version of the translator that would have shipped with Quant 10.2, which would be acq 10.1, translator 10.0.384.1.

    Quant should be able to translate the data files without the translator. You could try just bringing over the raw data files and adding those to the batch. Quant should translate and index them as they are added to the batch.

  • Hi  ,

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    First two cases do not apply to our kind of method but the problem might just be in the translation indeed. It wasn't fully clear to me Masshunter was able to read in data files that were acquired through Chemstation without translating them. In the beginning I tried this, it did not work. Probably because my method wasn't fully correct ...

    For our methods, we just translated the old Chemstation methods with the translation tool and changed some settings. 

    I retried analyzing the same batch without translating the data files and this did indeed work now. I will follow up on it, but the problem is probably gonna be solved with this answer. Thank you!

    Kind regards,


  • Hello  ,

    I'm glad that resolved your issue.

    To be clear, when you bring MSD ChemStation files into a batch, Quant performs the translation to the MassHunter data file format itself. The latest versions of Quant can also translate datafiles from OL ChemStation and OL CDS. The key is that the translator used needs to be compatible with the version of Qual or Quant being used.

    The standalone GC/MS translator is mainly for customers needing to use Qual, which cannot translate datafiles, or for those that want to do the translation immediately after acquisition. Though once files have been added to a Quant batch, they can be opened in Qual without the need for the translator. 

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