Quantitative Analysis version 12.1
I am trying to learn more about using Libraries in Quant. I've come across a issues I don't entirely understand.
1- In Globals Setup there is options for Library Method which seems to want to use a uamethod.xml file. There is also an option for Reference Library which wants to use the Library Editor .xml files. I have my method setup to use both but I don't understand the difference. Why would you use for Unknowns method sometimes and the Library Editor file other times? What is the difference between Reference Library and Library Method?
2- Sometimes my library match score just doesn't make any sense. For example in Quant I have a compound and its reference:
These look like a really good match but in the results table its saying the match score is <50 (my threshold). That doesn't seem right. In Unknowns Analysis all my match scores are >90 for the NIST library with this compound. The .xml library I made in Library editor uses the spectra I exported from this same set of samples. So I don't get why the score is so different?