Saving method files in Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative Analysis version 12.1

When I edit a method. For example open a method file .m or .quantmethod.xml (not sure difference), append by adding compounds, and try to save as (save is usually blanked out). I always get this error: "The method [name] already exists. Please specify a different path". 

How to save methods in Quant? What are the nuances here? Doesn't seem like this should be so complicated. 

  • Hello  ,

    Currently in Quant 12.x it is not possible to overwrite an existing method file. This is a change from Version 10.x and earlier. There have been requests to restore this functionality and it should be possible to overwrite existing methods from the Save As... dialog in a future update, but there is currently no timeline for when this will be available. 

  • Thank you Howard. That makes sense, recently updated software and that is when this issue was noticed.

  • Hello  ,

    I wanted to follow up on this discussion since this was an issue for some customers. With the release of Quant 12.1 Update 2 it is now possible to allow for the overwriting of existing Quant and UA methods. From the release notes.

    To resolve MSDQNT-4717 – this update introduces 4 new permissions into OpenLab Shared Services called “Overwrite method” and “Overwrite report method” for both Quantitative Analysis and Unknowns Analysis.

    These permissions are NOT granted to any user or role, by default. Therefore, the installation of Update 2 alone does not allow users to overwrite any methods.

    If your workflow requires overwriting Quant methods, a user with the “Manage permissions” permission (or local administrator if running without an authentication provider) must run the “Setup ECM Server” utility (Start Menu -> Agilent MassHunter Quantitative -> Quantitative Analysis Tools) after Update 2 has been installed to register the new permissions into OpenLab Shared Services.

    Once registered, the permissions can then be assigned to the desired user or role in the OpenLab Control Panel.

    For “Standard” configurations (“G” Media without OpenLab Shared Services) – once installed, this update will enable all users to overwrite methods.

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