[URGENT] MassHunter Qualitative Analysis (Qual) — Export GC–TCD integrations (as CSV)

Can one export the integrations of the TCD (thermal conductivity detection) peaks in MassHunter Qualitative Analysis (preferably as CSV)? I can already work with the MSD peaks (EIC or TIC); I now only need a simple way to save the areas of all the peaks identified in a TCD (or any additional chromatogram, for what is worth) measurement in Qual.

If I could also receive information on how to customize these exported CSVs (so as to remove some unnecessary columns, for example), I would be highly appreciative.

  • Hello  ,

    You can enable the Peak table for any signal type, right click, choose Export... and select CSV.

    You can right click on a column header to change the columns displayed and click and drag to rearrange the columns.

    If you use Excel reporting then you can choose to print a Custom/Analysis report and save the output as an Excel file, which could then be saved as a CSV. There is currently not a direct way to report to CSV. 

    There is help available for customizing the Excel templates within Excel on the MASSHUNTER REPORTING tab. 

  • Hello  ,

    You can enable the Peak table for any signal type, right click, choose Export... and select CSV.

    You can right click on a column header to change the columns displayed and click and drag to rearrange the columns.

    If you use Excel reporting then you can choose to print a Custom/Analysis report and save the output as an Excel file, which could then be saved as a CSV. There is currently not a direct way to report to CSV. 

    There is help available for customizing the Excel templates within Excel on the MASSHUNTER REPORTING tab. 

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