Post Processing - Can't get any argument to the python script.

I can't receive Argument from the Mass Hunter software. 

I can run the desired Python file but, I can't get any argument. I tried to run [cmd.exe] with these arguments [python "" "$(FolderPath)"] without any success.

I tried with and without quotation marks, I tried to receive argument with cmd, python, vbs, nothing. What's wrong? Could you provide me a simple example to display the Folder path in a cmd prompt?

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    I'm not certain what Windows privileges you would need to run a Python file and retrieve the arguments. You would need to check with your IT if you are not able to get the above test file to work from the command prompt.

    Passing arguments does appear to be able to work from quant, at least on my system.

    In Quant 10.2 I set up the following Post Process

    I was able to get the following from the script I posted above, with the addition of an input statement to pause the console output.

    I'm using IronPython 2.7 just because it is already installed on this system, but as far as I know this should work with any version of Python.

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