Masshunter unknowns qc report

I am using unknowns ver 10.1 and quant ver 10.1. I am trying to create a qc report based on our previous qc report. 

The report consisted of a TIC of the qc sample, spectrum of two of the qc compounds and isotope (2+) ratios of the same two compounds, in this case m/z 141/143 and 184/186 (pdf titled old qc report). I only need to show the spectra and isotope ratios of these two compounds.

In the old qc report you could utilize the tabulate command of Chemstation, which would show all m/z values of a compound as well as their abundances. I have yet not been able to tabulate the results similarly with the Field values of “SpectrumAbundaces” and “SpectrumMZS” under the binding “Component” as I haven’t been able to discover how they should be correctly implemented.

I have tried to create an unknowns custom report based on the AreaPercent.template.xml -template Custom report using mass hunter report builder . I have been able to create a template with all the hits as well as their spectra (QC-testi.template). However using this report template, all of the compound spectra are drawn and I cannot filter the spectrum to only the two needed compounds. From quant I have been trying to filter the target compounds into different groups using "cmd group" column, but it appears that I can't use that to filter the results as I have yet not been able to find a binding where I could filter the results, similarly as in my previous post  when filtering out the blank sample spectra from the sample spectrum. Few issues with report builder 10.2 and quantitative analysis 


I also have tried to :

1) make a quant batch with new compounds created to be used as the isotope ratio m/z values  MassHunter Quant Method - include isotopic masses in a single compound entry . Unknowns does not find these compounds. 

2) manually add compounds in unknowns. I can add a manual compound based on RT, but I am unable to change anything about them (name, m/z etc) and I cannot move these compounds into targets.

I have quickly noticed that there are different “versions” of report builder software if the report template was made specifically for unknowns based on the different bindings. I have also listed the forum questions inside this text which I have used as help.

Thanks in advance!

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      <TextValue>Area Percent Report</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ja">面積パーセントレポート</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Отчет о процентах площади</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">面积百分比报告</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="ja">面積パーセントレポート</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Отчет о процентах площади</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">面积百分比报告</TextValue>
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      <TextValue>Peak % Max</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ja">最大ピーク %</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Пик % Макс</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">最大峰百分比</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Папка данных</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">数据路径名称</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="ja">測定メソッド</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Метод сб. д</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">采集方法</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="ja">測定日時</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Дата и время анализа</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">采集日期时间</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="ja">サンプル名</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Название пробы</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">样品名称</TextValue>
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  • Hello,

    I discovered that you can create a suitable QC report using Qual. If you have only manually integrated the two peaks in question and adjust the peak threshold to minimize the amount of peaks visible in the MS peaks list. Then you can just use the custom report template to create the report, which includes the chromatogram of the qc sample, spectra of the two compounds as well as the m/z values of each compound. 

  • Hello,

    I discovered that you can create a suitable QC report using Qual. If you have only manually integrated the two peaks in question and adjust the peak threshold to minimize the amount of peaks visible in the MS peaks list. Then you can just use the custom report template to create the report, which includes the chromatogram of the qc sample, spectra of the two compounds as well as the m/z values of each compound. 

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