MassHunter Arrange Compounds By/User Defined

In MassHunter, how do you utilize the Arrange Compounds By/User Defined capability? I would like to be able to group my compounds by compound class, so that I report surrogates as a group, and families of compounds as different groups, rather than by retention time or alphabetically order etc. I would especially like a way to do this for report generation. Is the Arrange Compounds By function helpful here?

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  • howard_sanford, thank you very much for the suggestion. I can add the user defined column, but because I'm editing the xml template, I haven't been able to successfully add the user defined column to my template. When I pull in the xml mapped column to the section where I want it to be, the error I see is "selected XML source map is inconsistent with others in the row." I'm not quite sure why there is an inconsistency, because the user defined column is of the same type (I think) as the Compound.

    ETA--I figured it out shortly afterwards. There are five different QuantificationDataSet_Map in the XML Source, I was simply in a different map as the Compound. After I right-clicked on the compound, I saw it was in map 2, but I was trying to add ns1:UserDefined from map5.  

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