Masshunter Acquisition 8.0 software and G1390B 1200 Infinity Universal Interface Box II (UIB) compatibility

We have a third party detector with a voltage signal output that we are currently using with an Agilent 1290 Infinity I system (ChemStation software). We are using a G1390B 1200 Infinity Universal Interface Box II (UIB), connected to one of the CAN ports on the 1290 pump, to receive the signal into Chemstation. 

We would like to move this detector/UIB setup onto an Agilent 1260 Infinity II system, with Masshunter Acquisition 8.0 softwareI would like to know if the Masshunter software would be compatible to add the UIB module? If so, can we expect the UIB to be auto-detected once we open the Instrument Configuration tool and click to configure the 1260, or are there any steps we will need to take to manually add it?"

  • Tbberte-

    The G1390B is compatible with MH B.08.  You will want to make sure the firmware on the G1390B is about the same as the other modules on the MH system.  Update G1390B and LC stack before moving or update the MH stack before connecting the G1390B to the MH stack.  Once connected to the MH stack it should be rauto-ecognized in the Instrument Configuration Utility and in LabAdvisor

  • Tbberte-

    The G1390B is compatible with MH B.08.  You will want to make sure the firmware on the G1390B is about the same as the other modules on the MH system.  Update G1390B and LC stack before moving or update the MH stack before connecting the G1390B to the MH stack.  Once connected to the MH stack it should be rauto-ecognized in the Instrument Configuration Utility and in LabAdvisor

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